DIY Stitched Valentines Card
Nothing quite beats a homemade card of gift. Besides it's the thought that counts, right? This DIY is simple, easy and perfect for Valentines day served with breakfast in bed! The design is very versatile and can be adapted for your personal preferences.
All you're going to need are some pins, a needle, scissors, pink/red/purple thread, a pencil and some plain cards. (and possibly an eraser)
Firstly, take your pencil and lightly draw a heart shape on the front of your card. If you find this difficult, you can always use a stencil and draw around it. Using your pin, stab holes on the heart lines about 5mm- 1cm apart, you can then erase the pencils lines drawn before.

Then, using about an arm-span and a half of your thread, loop it through your needle and tie a knot in one end. Start sewing your thread through one of the holes from the inside out.

From here, you can do what ever you like. I'm showing you two options but you can add your own if you want. For the first one, I thread in random directions until you could see the shape of the heart distinctly.
For the second, make a hole in the middle of the heart. Starting in the middle, sew around the outside of the heart returning to the centre after each stitch.
I really hope you enjoyed this post and my apologies that it's a day late but it took me a while to gather the supplies. Whether you're celebrating with or without someone, I hope you have a fabulous Valentines Day!
Tag my instagram in any of your recreations, I'd love to see them!
Francesca x