Summer Bucket List
Now, I know for some of you your Summer Holidays/Vacation may have already started. However, according to Google the first day of Summer for me is the 21st of June. This means I have exactly 3 weeks to prepare myself for the summer sun, so here is a list of 10 things I want to achieve this summer!
1. Keep a scrapbook. Last year I really wanted to keep a scrapbook filled with the experiences and moments from the Summer Holidays, but I never got round to it, out of pure laziness but I do really regret it. This year I am determined to take a photo everyday with my Polaroid and record it in a scrapbook of some kind.
2. Go a week with no Internet or screens. Like most people, I start the Summer holidays with all these ideas of what I would do and where I'd go in the Summer. But in all honesty, I stay in bed on my laptop all day, everyday (well most days anyway). So this year I want to go one week with no screens or internet and take things back to good ol' days. (Don't worry, I'll schedule a blog post for you)
3. Blog every 3 days. Seeing as I'll have so much free time, why not? However, this means I'll need a little bit of help coming up with ideas so leave any requests in the comments!
4. Develop my confidence. I didn't want to say to be more confident as we all know that's rather unrealistic. So, instead I want to develop my confidence. It's okay to have off days, but I want to feel more confident going out wearing and doing what I want to more often than not. I think this is something everyone should put on their bucket list as we all have "those days", right?
5. Complete my Summer reading list. Now, I guess technically, I need to actually create a Summer reading list. But, we'll see how that goes, moving on....
Update! I've written it, view it here!
Update! I've written it, view it here!
6. Only wash my hair every 3 days. One of my friends, yes, friends, surprising I know, told me about how she only has to wash her hair every 3 days. And, well, lets just say we're not friends anymore.
7. Stretch. At the beginning of April I decided to try a 30 yoga challenge, which consisted of a different YouTube video everyday that had a different yoga session. I lasted 2 days. So, I've decided to try stretching every morning or evening and just a moment of reflecting on my day.
8. Master the splits and handstand. I've never been very flexible or athletic. But I am determined to master these two for my dance trip in September.
9. Learn to Penny board. I bought a penny board around this time last year and I have never learned to ride it. Mainly because I felt too embarrassed to go out and try it but with my 'developed confidence' I really want to learn how to skate.
10. Challenge myself, everyday. This is one of my favourite sayings of all time and I really do make an effort to challenge myself everyday. So I want to carry this on throughout Summer to get myself out of my comfort zone.
Ta'dah! This list may get longer over the next three weeks so leave any suggestion and what your Summer bucket list is in the comments and have a beautiful day!
Francesca x