Summer Round Up
This Summer Holiday was one of the best I can remember. I probably say that most years, but this year I honestly had an amazing 6 weeks. I didn't really have a proper holiday like I have done previous years but it gave me time to just relax, work on myself and not care about anything. I didn't have to worry about school, what I looked like or what I was going to wear.
I genuinely felt the most confident I have done in a very long time. I wore those shorts, that lipstick, that dress, I rocked that hair style and I loved every second of it. If you remember my post at the beginning of the summer (which feels like I wrote yesterday), I told you all my bucket list for the summer of 2015 - now(sadly), it's time to review that.
1. To keep a scrapbook.
I actually somewhat kept this one! Like I said, I didn't have any big adventure so the photo opportunities were limited but I kept a little pile of photos and tickets that hold a lot of memories that will soon make it permanently into my scrapbook.
2. Go a week without screens.
If you follow my twitter (shameless self-promo - @francxscarosx), you will know I actually tried this one. I had scheduled blog posts, a pile of homework to do, books to read. And I lasted for 48 hours... which isn't too bad, right?
3. Blog every three days.
I DID IT! Although some post were a little last minute and some were up with literally only seconds to spare, but I did it! YAY!
4. Develop my confidence
You already know the answer to this one. This one makes me the happiest to know I achieved it.
5. Complete my Summer reading list.
I completed four of my Summer readings, can you guess which ones?
6. Only wash my hair every three days.
(This might sound disgusting to some of you, but if you want to understand it, read my original post.) This is another one I achieved and I can see a bit of a difference in my hair on the third day, but not enough for me to feel comfortable carrying it on into school time.
7. Stretch
I've had a lot of difficulty with tightness in my muscles, especially in my shoulders which was the area I focused on the most. I can defiantly feel a difference there, but now I want to focus on my flexibility, which leads me on to...
8. Master the splits and handstand.
I don't even want to talk about this... I fell on my face, okay?... yes, literally!
9. Learn to Penny board.
This one I'm kind of upset I didn't achieve, but there's always next year (I definitely did not say that last year, too) .
10. Challenge myself, everyday.
I completed this one for the most part. Even going down to the shops in shorts, trying different foods, meeting friends in the city can be a challenge for me. This, I think, was a big contributor to my confidence this year.
Even though summer for this year is mostly over, we still have the rest of 2015 and our lives to achieve our goals. Now, I don't know about you but 'm getting pretty pumped about autumn and winter. BRING ON OVERSIZED JUMPERS AND HOT CHOCOLATES!
Francesca x