Overcoming the Fear
For many teenagers, summer is the time to go out with friends almost every day, go to the beach in their awesome new bikini, go on holidays etc. At least, that's what's portrayed in every "Teen Summer" movie, book or tv series. For some of us, however, this couldn't be further from the truth; for some of the reality is staying in everyday, watching netflix, youtube, tv. Maybe being somewhat creative once in a while - or just cleaning our room of all the bowls of cereal we've somehow consumed in one week.
This difference can be due to many things: laziness, introverted-ness, anxieties, fears, disabilities. This is the reality, not those misleading "reality" tv shows. The worst thing about it is that we know that we are the only thing in our way, the only thing stopping ourselves from going out with friends, on holidays.
Personally, it's my personal anxieties that get in my way, so I thought I'd share with you 3 simple tips to overcome your fears and have a great summer.
1. Planning ahead
Plan your events and activities well before hand. This will, firstly, make it easier to organise time with friends because, let's be real, making plans in the summer is like mission impossible. Secondly, this will also allow you to prepare yourself for it. Find your outfit, arrange times so you're happy and comfortable for any kind of journey, you can google street maps for where you need to go - don't lie, we all do this.
Yeeees, this may take away the spontaneity of the event, but let's start small shall we?
2. Speaking of starting small...
Don't take on more than you can handle - know your limits. If a big festival seems too much for you take on a small pub karaoke night instead. It'll get used to the types of people in these places, the noise and the drunkenness. Just remember that experts in anything were once beginners. *thank you pinterest*
3. Do what you need to do...
This is your challenge that only you can face and overcome. Remember that small steps are better than no steps. If you need to bring your own meals to places from personal fears, do it. If it makes you feel a little bit more content then is it not worth it? For example, if I was ever invited to BBQs I would always bring veggie burgers and brown roll so I felt a little more comfortable because I knew there were healthier options there - and it just looked like I was bringing a nice contribution to the event.
If you need a time out in the bathrooms at a party then go! Take a few deep breaths, remind yourself of how far you've come just by attending the party.
Ta'dah! Wasn't that easier than you thought, huh? I hope this post helps you make the most of your summer and please, please, please share your adventures with me on twitter or instagram, I'd love to hear them. Or if you think this may help someone you know then share it on social media using the links below.
Francesca Rose x
Ta'dah! Wasn't that easier than you thought, huh? I hope this post helps you make the most of your summer and please, please, please share your adventures with me on twitter or instagram, I'd love to hear them. Or if you think this may help someone you know then share it on social media using the links below.
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Francesca Rose x