Sailing and the adventures of Pucket!

Why helloooo there!

Firstly, I think an apology is due, it has been weeks, MONTHS even since I have posted on here. It's safe to say I have a lot of explaining to do, well let me inform you on my latest "adventure".

Last year around June, I was invited to come on a sailing week, which we would sail along the Norfolk Broads. If you are not from the UK or are just not familiar with the Norfolk broads, let me tell you a bit about them.

Norfolk in a part of East Anglia, England. A beautiful scenic, natural place and a popular tourist attraction, people come from all over the world to study the wildlife or learn more about its history. Home to rare and endangered species, the Broads were formed in the Roman Era as they discovered a large amount of Peat in large vasts of land. The Peat was quickly retrieved and as Sea levels rose these large pits started to fill, creating rivers, broads etc.

So, being the young adventurer I am, I agreed! A couple weeks later, in the hot month of August I boarded a reasonably large yacht named Silver Arrow with my friend and the nicest crew. We spent the days sailing and learning new knots and the nights in pubs with new friends either playing pool and cards, lying on the bank watching shooting stars or creating new games with fenders and rope! (Fender ball is my personal favourite.)

This year I was given the chance again and was asked to become a member of the yachting club, ( I won't mention the name for privacy reasons) but this year was even better than last! The views were better, the people were kinder, the weather conditions were so exciting and we had a large variety to increase our experience levels. While we would prepare meals we would have conversations and debates about Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, our favourite books, middle names and anything that came to mind!

Before we get onto the photos, I should mention the little mascot for our yacht was a small frog called Pucket. Unfortunately, our days were so busy we had hardly any time to take photos, but I promise I'll make more of an effort next year! Here are some sunsets and the adventures of Pucket!


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