Friends and Appreciation

Missing people is natural. Whether it be because they're on holiday without you, they've moved away,  you're no longer friends or they're no longer in your life. Like most people, I've had close friends move across the country. Especially for teenagers this can be very difficult to deal with because we tend to become so reliant on them and almost take friends for granted. This is why a. it's important to try and build strong relationships with many different people, b. show appreciation to those who stick by you and offer their friendship and c. try to learn to get by when you're alone. All of these things are, like most things in life, easier said than done.

But that's not what I want this post to be about. Sometimes you have to lose people to really appreciate them. Which, really, is an awful thing. You should always appreciate what you have because someday it might be gone. But we're only human and sometimes don't acknowledge what we have.

Recently, one of my oldest, closest friends moved to Wales, aka, the other side of the country. So when she came back to visit this Summer I went all out. We invited some of our closest friends to a campout which is starting to become a bit of a tradition and gossiped, watched movies and ate our body weight in ice-cream, cupcakes and biscuits! And it was amazing!

So the moral of the story (kinda) is to appreciate everything before it's too late, not just people. If you feel forgotten or taken for granted, speak up. Because you deserved to be seen for the amazing human being you truly are. 

 p.s. by the way, yes, these are Oreo Cupcakes. Be jealous, be very jealous!

Francesca x


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