Francesca Fitness: The Truth about Losing Weight

This post is not to tell you how to lose weight. Because you most likely already know how. You eat healthily and exercise regularly. That's it. This post is to tell you not to ever think that happiness is only achievable by losing weight.
If you are unhappy with how you look or your weight etc, never, ever think that by changing the way you look or losing the weight you will be a new, amazingly confident person because you most likely wont be. Don't get me wrong, if you do it right, getting healthy can make your body happier, you can develop better healthy habits and help with balance within your body. But your mental state is totally dependent on you. You can be just as happy and confident now as how you think you will be when you have achieved your goal.

When I started losing weight, I don't think I've ever had a lower self esteem. This alone was enough to motivate me to get healthy. I believed that achieving my target weight would make all my problems go away. I didn't. I still had arguments with friends and family, I was still stressed and I was still unhappy with my body.

Happiness and weight loss are completely different journeys. This is something I wish I'd realized sooner, which is why I'm telling all of you now. Practice self love everyday. Whether this be by having a bath, lighting a candle, reading your favourite book or blog, watching your favourite movie or spending time with those who make you happy. Push your comfort zones. Wear those shorts you can now fit into, wear that bright lipstick you bought yourself or try out that new hairstyle; even talk to that boy you've liked since primary school.

Change comes from change. Without change, there would be no butterflies.

Francesca x


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